Founded 1963 Relaunched 2019. The Postmodern South.

Celebrating Unity And An Effort To Save A Dying Town

On a weekday afternoon, I had driven up to Mason, Tennessee after work to eat at Bozo’s Bar-B-Que, and had noticed signs around the little …

Good Life Music Group Showcase at the Core DJ Retreat Day 3 @goodlifemg @BiggaRankin00 @BIGGARANKIN @TEAMBIGGARANKIN @TEAMBR @IAmTonyNeal @OfficialCoreDJs

At the third and final day of the Core DJ Retreat in Jackson, the afternoon showcase was sponsored by Atlanta-based Good Life Music Group, and …

The Core DJ's Feeding the Homeless in Jackson's Smith Park (And Getting Their Wobble On, Too) @OfficialCoreDJs @IAmTonyNeal

While the media turns its huge spotlight on hip-hop whenever something tragic, criminal or salacious happens, they are conspicuously absent when rappers and people in …