Founded 1963 Relaunched 2019. The Postmodern South.
A Last Atlanta Breakfast with @FORTKNOXLIVE at @ADiosCafe @NoMasHacienda #A3C2013
A Last Atlanta Breakfast with @FORTKNOXLIVE at @ADiosCafe @NoMasHacienda #A3C2013

A Last Atlanta Breakfast with @FORTKNOXLIVE at @ADiosCafe @NoMasHacienda #A3C2013

Even the best things end eventually, and Monday morning was my last morning in Atlanta before going back to Memphis. A3C was over for the year, but I called my homeboy Fort Knox and invited him to breakfast at a place called ADios Cafe, which I had seen during Flux Night. The cafe is affiliated with the No Mas Hacienda and Cantina, which is a Mexican housewares store and restaurant in the Castleberry Hill neighborhood, so the cafe, which sells coffees, desserts and breakfasts has a pronounced Mexican theme. Nevertheless, they do sell traditional American style breakfast items as well, but the interesting things are the dishes with a slight Mexican twist, such as blue corn pancakes. The coffee is imported from Mexico, very delicious, and available to take home ground or in whole bean pound bags. It was too early to try desserts, but they looked absolutely incredible, and the ADios Cafe also features fine chocolates under the brand Chocolate of the Gods. The cafe is open every day from 8 AM-10 PM.

ADios Cafe
180 Walker St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30313

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