Alcove Coffee (@alcovecoffee) is a cool independent coffee bar on the shore of Lake Lucerne near Stone Mountain, GA. My niece Lauren works there, and my relatives and I all walked down there on the day after Thanksgiving for lattes. They feature Batsdorf and Bronson coffee, including the well-known Dancing Goats Blend. Visit them at, like them on Facebook at or follow them on Twitter at
Stone Mountain GA
Stone Mountain Village
I spent the Thanksgiving holidays with my stepbrother and his family and my stepdad in Atlanta, so on Thanksgiving morning, I spent some time around the village of Stone Mountain shooting some photographs. The town is clearly old and historic, but the shops on Main Street have clearly seen better days. Nearly every storefront is for rent and vacant.
Stone Mountain Village, Thanksgiving Morning
Stone Mountain Village, Thanksgiving morning, 11/22/12 (at Stone Mountain Village)