Yeah Burger is one of several gourmet-burger chains popping up around the Atlanta Metro area. All of them offer a rather gourmet twist on the standard American fare of burgers and fries. Yeah Burger is geared to customized burgers, letting you choose between beef, bison, turkey, chicken or veggie, then choosing a cheese, toppings such as bacon or an egg, sauces, and whole wheat or white buns. I created a cheddar-feta-bacon-A1-peppercorn burger, and it was truly awesome. Asking for it medium rare didn’t frighten the servers one bit, and my burger was cooked exactly to order. I must add that the french fries come in a cup, and are plentiful and delicious. Unfortunately, Yeah Burger is currently only in Atlanta, but you can also pay them a visit at http://www.yeahburger.com/.