Lil Pat, one of Memphis’ earliest and most successful hip-hop producers, backstage at the A3C hip-hop showcase at SXSW, March 17, 2012
Collective Status Boutique in Austin, TX
Collective Status Boutique (Taken with Instagram at Collective Status Boutique)
This new hip-hop shop kept some long hours during SXSW, staying open until 2 AM.
3-20-2011 From Austin to Memphis
 In order to get an early start on my drive back to Memphis, I grabbed a quick breakfast at Austin Java Company on Lamar …
3-19-2011 Last Day of SXSW
With Saturday being my last day in Austin, I grabbed a breakfast at 24 Diner and then began making the rounds of record stores. I …
3/18/11: Third Day of SXSW
For me, the third day of South By Southwest started with a breakfast at The Tavern on Lamar Boulevard just at the north end of …
3/17/2011: Second Day of SXSW
Day 2 of South By Southwest 2011 was also St. Patrick’s Day, which made everything all the more crowded, as well as a sea of …
3/16/11: First day of SXSW
My first day of South By Southwest each year tends to follow a pattern. I usually start the day with a visit to The Omelettry, …
3/21/2010: After SXSW Austin TX
Matt Sonzala had invited me out to a South Austin softball field for an early-morning after-South-by-Southwest softball game for staff and friends, but due to …
3/20/2010: SXSW Day 4 Where They At Bounce Exhibit at Birdland Gallery Austin TX
On the fourth day of South by Southwest, I drove down from the hotel to a place called Cafe Java in a North Austin industrial …
3/19/2010: SXSW Day 3 Austin TX
My third SXSW day began at Magnolia Cafe for breakfast, and then I spent the bulk of the day going around to the various record …