Holly Springs, Mississippi is home to one of the state’s youngest juke joints, the Burnside Bar and Grill, which belongs to Hill Country bluesman Duwayne Burnside, and on Sunday afternoons, it is a great place to enjoy fun, fellowship, food and authentic blues in its natural environment. Easter Sunday was a particularly special day, as Duwayne Burnside, Garry Burnside, Robert Kimbrough, Kenny Kimbrough and the band Mississippi Shakedown were all present.
Like any juke joint, there’s nothing particularly fancy about Burnside’s place, but it has all the necessaries: a bar, a stage, a pool table and a barbecue grill out front. It is certainly worth a visit for fans of the Hill Country and Cotton Patch styles of Mississippi blues.
Burnside Bar and Grill
645 Highway 7 N
Holly Springs, MS 38635
(Check his performance schedule on his Facebook page to make sure he is in town)