Key West is known as the “Conch Republic”, so it is not surprising that there are several restaurants that serve conch, a large sea-snail common in the Caribbean, and especially popular in the Bahamas and Haiti. Conch meat can be tough, so it’s often served in fritters or soups, but cracked conch is fried, and the variety served at
The Conch Shack on Duval Street is very tasty. Also of interest is that Haitians use the conch shell or
lambi as a musical instrument, as can be seen in the famous statue of the Neg Mawon (Black Maroon) in Port-au-Prince, who has raised the conch shell to his lips as a call to revolution. Another interesting-looking conch shop is located on Petronia Street near the Bahamian Village, but it closes very early in the day.