Founded 1963 Relaunched 2019. The Postmodern South.
Kicking Off The Summer at the Annual Tate Street Block Party in South Memphis @LionHeartDSP @tvebandz @AirBorn_Academy
Kicking Off The Summer at the Annual Tate Street Block Party in South Memphis @LionHeartDSP @tvebandz @AirBorn_Academy

Kicking Off The Summer at the Annual Tate Street Block Party in South Memphis @LionHeartDSP @tvebandz @AirBorn_Academy

Each year Memphis rap artist Lionheart sponsors a block party on Tate Avenue in South Memphis, featuring live rap performances and free barbecue. The purpose of the Tate Street Block Party is both to encourage youth against violence and also to promote and showcase local music talent. This year, the high points included a young rapper named Tve Bandz (pronounced “Tae Bandz”) who performed along with his even younger sister Breeze, as well as an appearance from the group AirBorn Academy from South Memphis. But there were also a number of newer artists, including one young man called This Some Major. The afternoon was full of music, food and fun, with no incidents whatsoever.

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