Segregation of the races was the law in most of the Southern United States from around 1890 on, but as the Progressive era dawned in the early 20th Century, attitudes hardened even further. As developers planned new townsites in the South, they began to conceive of the concept of building entirely separate towns for Blacks, rather than having them live in a particular neighborhood of the same town that white people lived in. So Harlem, Florida was built for the Black community outside of Clewiston, Florida, and West Amory, Mississippi was built for the Black community of Amory, and North Gulfport and North Tunica were built for Blacks who lived near Gulfport and Tunica respectively. Likewise, when developers started platting the Sunset Addition to the town of Marion, Arkansas, as a place for Blacks to buy land and build homes, the city officials in Marion decided to exclude the new subdivision from the city limits. Although the developers showed their intentions to build a community destined to be part of Marion when they chose the name “Sunset Addition”, the city excluded the community, and that decision had long-term impacts on the availability of electricity, water and city services in the Sunset area. Sunset was never a big place, and in fact was only three streets wide, but it had a number of churches, a gin, a few stores, and perhaps its most important institution, the James Sebastian Phelix High School, founded in 1946 and named for a local undertaker. The Phelix School provided education for a Black community desperate for learning, but while white students in Marion were provided a free public education, parents of Phelix students in the high school grades had to pay tuition when the school first opened. In 1970, Phelix High School was closed under court order, and its students transferred to Marion High School. Despite the importance of Phelix High School in the history of Marion and Sunset, the buildings have been abandoned, and the oldest building is deteriorating rapidly and being reclaimed by the wilderness.
After many years of Marion refusing to annex Sunset Addition, and fed up with the lack of public services, the people of the community voted in 1971 to incorporate Sunset as a town. Although they were hopeful about the opportunity for Black self-government, the new town faced many hurdles. Its small size, the relative lack of retail business, the lack of any employers or jobs, and the low property values within the city limits all reflected the fact that Sunset was intended to be a subdivision within Marion, not a separate town. The years since 1971 have seen scandals, financial problems, and a rapidly dwindling population. It seems likely that Sunset will eventually become part of Marion.
What can be done about Phelix High School? Who should I contact?
Not sure what to tell you, Lizzie. The campus is inside the Town of Sunset, so you might contact the City Hall in Sunset, Arkansas. They could probably tell you who the current owner is.
The Town of Sunset is the owner!!
That is false. the school is owned by a private Citizen who is working hard to crea something for the community.
Make Sunset Great Again
Should have been restored long time ago!!!
Looking for any pictures of my uncles. They would have graduated from Phelix in 71,72, and 73.
Edward Anderson (Wiekerson)
Lourie Anderson (Monroe)
LeRoy Henry (Larry Monroe)
Hello! I attended Phelix elementary from 1960 to 1966 when we moved to West Memphis, where i attended wonder elementary. Are there any plaques, etc. commerating the location of the school? some of my friends did not think there was an all black school in west memphis – they thought we were all home-schooled! Thank you for the history of schools in Marion and the challenges they faced. please contact by email – thank you!