Founded 1963 Relaunched 2019. The Postmodern South.

Walking Home from the Orange Mound Block Party after the Fights, 2011

People walking home after the fights and shooting, Orange Mound Block Party, July 30, 2011. I will never understand why people would come to a recreational event in a mood to pick a fight with someone, or why anyone could think that it was ever justifiable to shoot a gun into a crowd of people. But the end result is that the city will prevent events like this from taking place, so all of us will be the losers because 6 or 7 people would rather fight and shoot than have a good time. 

Fighting Mars the Orange Mound Block Party, 2011

Late in the afternoon at the Orange Mound Block Party, a string of fights developed. One young man that had been onstage with several of the acts was beaten unconscious and had to be carried back behind the stage, and then two girls got to fighting. Shortly after that, everyone broke into a full run at the sound of gunfire. We later learned that someone had fired a shotgun into the crowd, and a young woman was hit. The police quickly flooded the park, but I could hear gunfire continuing, now coming from the northwest corner of Park and Pendleton. The ambulances came, and police began clearing out the park. 

3-19-2011 Last Day of SXSW

With Saturday being my last day in Austin, I grabbed a breakfast at 24 Diner and then began making the rounds of record stores. I …

3/18/11: Third Day of SXSW

For me, the third day of South By Southwest started with a breakfast at The Tavern on Lamar Boulevard just at the north end of …

3/17/2011: Second Day of SXSW

Day 2 of South By Southwest 2011 was also St. Patrick’s Day, which made everything all the more crowded, as well as a sea of …

3/16/11: First day of SXSW

My first day of South By Southwest each year tends to follow a pattern. I usually start the day with a visit to The Omelettry, …