Founded 1963 Relaunched 2019. The Postmodern South.

A Complete Guide To ‘Hipster Racism’


“There’s been a lot of talk these last couple of weeks about “hipster racism” or “ironic racism”—or, as I like to call it, racism. It’s, you know, introducing your black friend as “my black friend”—as a joke!!!—to show everybody how totally not preoccupied you are with your black friend’s blackness. It’s the gentler, more clueless, and more insidious cousin of a hick in a hood; the domain of educated, middle-class white people (like me—to be clear, I am one of those) who believe that not wanting to be racist makes it okay for them to be totally racist. “But I went to college — I can’t be racist!” Turns out, you can.”

Fuck yo ‘irony’.

Click the link to read the entire article… 

A Complete Guide To ‘Hipster Racism’

HipHop Around The Lake – Music

Lake Okeechobee and the cities around it like Clewiston, Harlem, Pahokee and Belle Glade aren’t the Florida pictured in tourist guides. Life in these parts can be rough indeed (Belle Glade was once used by the State Department to train employees for Third World conditions), but the area is a hotbed for athletic talent and music talent. The Big O Hip-Hop is a site dedicated to the rap music of the Lake Okeechobee region, and is well worth checking out. 

HipHop Around The Lake – Music